Metal Camera Tutorial Part 2: Converting sample buffer to a Metal texture

4 minute read

In the first part of Metal Camera Tutorial series we managed to fire up a session that would continuously send us frames from device’s camera via a delegate callback. Now, this is already pretty exciting, but we need to get hold of actual textures to do something useful with it — and we are going to use Metal for that.

What is Metal?

Metal is a relatively new Apple graphics framework backed up by the iOS device’s GPU. However it’s not just graphics: GPUs recently got a whole new world of applications in numeric computations due to a rise of neural networks and other machine learning algorithms. That is why Apple has extended Metal APIs in iOS 10 SDK to cater for various machine learning applications as well, claiming to provide the lowest-overhead access to the GPU (as opposed to OpenGL), so the whole thing sounds very promising.

What do I do with it again?

Anyway, for now let’s stick with the graphics side of Metal, and try to convert camera frames to a sequence of Metal textures. So the plan would be as follows:

  • Get each frame data. We are going to grab it from CMSampleBuffer.
  • Convert frame to a Metal texture. Metal has its own class for textures — MTLTexture.

Give me the code!

Ok, let’s start with getting frame’s data.

Get frame data

If you followed through the Camera Session tutorial, you should know how to get hold of the CMSampleBuffer — a Core Foundation object representing a generic container for media data. Now, there are a couple of other Core Foundation methods to grab frame data from it. The first step would be to get a CVImageBuffer from CMSampleBuffer, CVImageBuffer being a more specific container for image data. This one is relatively easy, since there is a CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer function:

/// Assuming you have the CMSampleBuffer in sampleBuffer variable

guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else {
    /// Handle an error. We failed to get image buffer.

/// Ok, we got our image buffer now.	

Convert frame to a Metal texture

This part is slightly more tricky, since we need to know which pixel format we are using. Remember last time I’ve mentioned you have two options: either use RGB or YCbCr? Well, now our steps would be slightly different for each of those two formats, since in case of RGB iOS will do a bit more work and provide you with a joint single RGB texture in the sample buffer, whereas for YCbCr, being a hardware native format, it’s not doing any extra effort and provides you the camera data as is, which is actually two textures: one would hold Y pixel component, and the other one the CbCr component. For the sake of simplicity we are going to assume that you use RGB color space, although final project on GitHub supports both pixel formats.

Since things start turning Metal at this point, we will need a couple of variables specific to this framework: metal device and texture cache. Metal device is a Metal object representing your GPU hardware. Texture cache is a container we are going to use when converting frame data to MTLTextures.

/// Texture cache we will use for converting frame images to textures
var textureCache: CVMetalTextureCache?

/// `MTLDevice` we need to initialize texture cache
var metalDevice = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()

We need to initialise the cache first (and make sure to do this once, as we are going to reuse this container for each and every frame).

guard let
    metalDevice = metalDevice
    where CVMetalTextureCacheCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, nil, metalDevice, nil, &textureCache) == kCVReturnSuccess
else {
    /// Handle an error, as we failed to create texture cache

/// We have our texture cache now.

With this out of our way it get pretty straightforward. We first get frame’s dimensions:

let width = CVPixelBufferGetWidth(imageBuffer)
let height = CVPixelBufferGetHeight(imageBuffer)

Now get an unmanaged reference to a CVMetalTexture. This is not MTLTexture yet, but we are getting there!

Previously things were getting a bit Unmanaged at this point, as we were entering a world of Objective-C APIs in our purely Swift code. To get a better insight of why we use Unmanaged and to make sure you don’t shoot yourself in the leg with it, you may want to read this great article.

But ever since Swift 3 was introduced, CoreVideo APIs seemed to be updated, making the Unmanaged part redundant. It means that now you don’t have to worry about specifying a Unmanaged<CVMetalTextureRef>? type — you can simply use CVMetalTextureRef?.

var imageTexture: CVMetalTexture?

let result = CVMetalTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage(kCFAllocatorDefault, textureCache.takeUnretainedValue(), imageBuffer, nil, pixelFormat, width, height, planeIndex, &imageTexture)

Ok, almost there. Now we only need to grab the actual texture from the CVMetalTexture container and make sure to manually release the unwrapped optional texture reference.

    let unwrappedImageTexture = imageTexture,
    let texture = CVMetalTextureGetTexture(unwrappedImageTexture),
    result == kCVReturnSuccess
else {
    throw MetalCameraSessionError.failedToCreateTextureFromImage

/// We have our `MTLTexture` in the `texture` variable now.

That’s it? What do I do with that texture?

We now have the frame image data as MTLTexture, and can use Metal APIs to do something fancy with it. Next time, for instance, we are going to explore a way to render this texture on screen using a simple Metal shader.

Where do I go from here?

This was the second part of Metal Camera Tutorial series, where we explore ways of achieving lowest-overhead access to hardware to grab camera frames, convert them to textures and render on screen in real time:

You can check out the final project from this Metal Camera Tutorial on GitHub.

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